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Vaccine Child Consent Form

Pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines contain multiple synthetic chemicals that should NEVER be put into the body. They are part of the reason we have skyrocketing chronic health issues that have somehow become the new “normal” in our society. But this is not normal.

And science is clear: Most, if not all, of these health issues, can be linked to pharmaceutical treatments and drugs. In fact, the health care system is now the leading cause of death in the U.S.


Click Here to download the Kid's Consent Form...

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CV19 Truth Brochure Click Here...

2020 Update: Anything, and EVERYTHING, that’s hyped by the Mainstream Media (MSM) is utterly fake and fabricated.


What very few realise is that “fake news” has been prolifically disseminated by corporate media since the first newspapers went to print.  However, in today’s environment, transparently fake news and naked propaganda are being propagated without any attempt to hide it.  Today, virtually every single major news report is written or delivered in a misleading manner.


Now, more than ever, we need to debunk the news being spread about this virus, we need to eliminate the fear that comes with this pandemic. We need to criticisee the steps that have been taken by government and then, in that process, stand strong in our powers.

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