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Patty Greer - Crop Circle Diaries

Patty Greer - award-winning filmmaker of many crop circle movies, most recent: Crop Circle Diaries reminds us of her beauty in such an eloquent way. Appreciation for Mother Earth - something we must all do more often.

"...we start to understand - Mother Earth, Gia, Spirit, Madre, whatever name you have for her, she listens and responds.”

Patty Greer, Crop Circle Diaries

As a reminder, Mother Earth is also affected by the 5G grid rollout. The radiation around the world is lethal and she...along with all the trees, plants, and animals... are suffering from this global decision based on greed

In an effort to help spread health and wellness information about 5G and Smart Cities please go here to find out more:

Green Med Info Article to learn more about #5G:

Take Back Your Power:

In Power Movement:

Max Igan:

Against 5G:

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