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Calling all angels

As an investigative reporter I get the inside scoop on all the information you need to navigate successfully through the coming changes. 


By purchasing this Angel Investment Opportunity you are:


Angel: Anyone who knows the seriousness of this mission, is an angel. The side of good.


Investment: Your purchase will create 'feel good' feelings, which can be used to manifest your future dreams! Watch out for what you wish for.


Opportunity: Here is a real opportunity to learn the truth about Yourself AND about whats going on in the world.  You don't have the time to do this task, so I will do it for you. There is so much to know! 


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Donating to a cause you love is great; but investing into yourself, family and towards changing this paradigm will save humanity! This package is meant to be used as a group with up to 4 or 5 people. Sort of like a family pass :)


As an Angel you'll get:


- VIP monthly zoom meetings to discuss the updates of the world; specifically 5G; 


- Life tools to help physically and mentally navigate these times of change;


- Confidence in knowing you are future proofing yourself and your family;


- Health & Safety Kit for the 21st Century - my secrets to longevity and living well;


- Access to my interviewing services - looking for interesting people and causes;


Angel Deluxe - Health & Wellness Package


- Life coaching  - monthly chat where we focus on you and your family's happiness; (30 / 60 minutes sometimes longer depending on group numbers )


- One hTMA test (as seen here) to start your healing journey;


- Understanding house retro-fitting and other Climate Action Plans as seen here

A great cause
Don't forget

- Do Not Purchase these low efficient energy windows, click here for more.


- Watch out for 'Green' and 'Smart' words and cutting down trees.


- Green Credit and Sustainable business codes

All Angel donations go to: coordinating efforts on the ground to raise awareness of 5G in shopping areas, schools, public entertainment /rest areas and neighbourhoods. We will also be educating government representatives, holding movie events & panel discussions, and informing teachers and schools of the dangers that are coming. 


You will also be supporting Sheena as she spreads truth about the 'MUST KNOW' information below.


Angel Deluxe donations go to investing back into The Sheena Showdown by hiring staff to hand out fliers, engage with listeners, and share the promotions of the various cities included in the Angel network: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, San Diego, Los Angeles, etc..


Spreading truth about:


  • Health & Wellness 

  • Technology Safety

  • ​Personal Power 

  • Geo-Politics

  • Spirituality

  • Empowerment

  • 5G & Tech Safety

  • American Citizenship

  • Education

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Freedom & Anarchy

  • Voluntarism

Some of the topics are:​

  • Interviews

  • Weekly Shows

  • Online Events

  • Social Media

  • Speaking

  • Handing out fliers

In the form of:​

  • Activists & Influencers

  • Truth Projects

  • Personal Consultation

  • Marketing Advice

Supporting others: 

  • Research Discussions

  • Book Reviews

Angel Deluxe


Investment into:


  • Advertisement

  • Virtual Assistant

  • Conferences

  • Professional Content

  • Events

  • Public Relations

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