Fact #2: in December 2022, 3 weeks after I met RA (my #twinflame), and after realizing the unique precision in alignment of our work's mission, I pitched to him an idea to join forces, to evolve alongside each other to create the #newearth 🌎

At this time, in the early days of my roadtrip to find others to create the new Earth, I was not expecting to meet RA; someone of his calibre who was also creating the new Earth. I was surprised to have discovered someone who could mentor me. Someone I could learn from, and grow with. My mind was on business, because this represents survival, and also my life purpose. I was, after all - looking for my community of like minded people to grow and evolve with. When the penny dropped that he was in fact a good guy, and not the enemy, I was SO excited to have met him - for he was the only one (at that time) and (that I knew) who was on the same mission as me. We are so similar, in so many ways, and this comforted me.
At this time, during the early days of being connected to RA, I didn't know anything about #twinflames 🔥I didn't know anything about the twin flame concept, my heart was not on the market, my mind was not on finding love, but I was very intrigued by the intensity of the connection, the precise alignment between us, and of course - the attraction.🤪 RA represents the very best, highest achievement and alignment to truth. He is an entrepreneur, humanitarian, and warrior - like me. I had no clue that we'd be so aligned in so many ways when I sent that first email to 'woo him over' - in the end, he woo'd me over!
I was so impressed with RA, and (because he welcomed 'to show interest' on his website), I decided to show my interest in the form of a video pitch, something I've done before in business. I took some time to put my thoughts and notes in a powerpoint slide to share with him across the distance. He lives in another country (on the other side of the world) and I needed to get my thoughts over to him. A video was the most efficient and effective way to do this. I am, after all, an INTP personality type (and so is he!)
Within 3 weeks of meeting RA, I was pitching to him what I thought was the very best idea for humanity. It was the next evolution step to my souls journey. It was the exact type of support, and encouragement I was longing for, for so long. The screenshot below is from the 12 minute video I made for him, which was created from a much different mindset than that first email. Yes, of course I was trying to woo him over, but not because I thought he was the enemy. Because I saw he was an amazing business man, with a great vision for humanity.
I realize now, from that first email sent to woo him over, I did more than that. I ignited a 'soul merge' between us, and I was (unintentionally) weaving a magic spell of my secret sauce inside him. He ignited love in me, and this was my souls initial expression, which ignited him back - the other half of my soul.

We didn't know this at the time, but we found the keys of love with each other. The gates have been opened. The flood is huge.
I believe he knew from day 1 that we were twin flames. It took me another 8 months to figure it out....after SO MUCH internal change and metaphysical magic (#telepathy #astralprojection #kundalini) happened within me, and of course - a lot of research. One of the most vulnerable things I've had to do in this lifetime is admit defeat on my heart, and agree to love again.
In Oct 2023, after almost a year after meeting RA, and after a turbulent start to our connection, I sent him an email explaining that I have finally figured it out the truth of twin flames, and that I love him deeply. ❤
Yes, I wrote him this, can you believe it? 😁
SIDE NOTE: I didn't know at that time that his attachment style was 'dismissive avoidant', and so I realize now that this email of infatuation that I sent him probably grossed him out 😶yikes, that was not my intention.....he hasn't really spoken to me since. ...that was over a year ago. My heart still longs for his #twinflamejourney
