Technology Addiction
Are you using or abusing your mobile devices?
Do you monitor your families screen time?
Have you noticed a change in behaviour after tech use?
Friends, I used #QHHT to be regressed;
to look into the future,
to seek solutions,
to seek answers,
to the biggest problems,
on the planet -
we all face now.
The end result -
a 30 minute journey
of the future I saw
and still see.
A journey that gives me ideas,
and so much hope.
The solutions are here now,
these are exciting times.
I will continue to work towards this mission to deliver these solutions to parents -solutions that will be coming soon!!
A big thank you to Jeff Broomfield to help me access this huge amount information during my regression.
Get back to ease of mind
Get back into control
Get your personality back
Get your happiness back
I was in safe hands; knowing the future would be bleak. ❤️
I know this is a long clip but just play it whilst you chop vegetables or on your ride home in the car;
I hope you get a little chuckle too
of my time travel into the future 😁